Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today is Saturday and I had plans to wake up early and meet my sister Kari to go thrift store shopping. I haven't done that in a while. Well the weather was just really bad so since she lives over an hour away, we decided not to meet. She did the ones up her way and I started off down in Lexington Park. Bri and I went out in the wet and cold to visit this one thrift store. Didn't get much but we did see a very unfortunate show there. A lady walked in and tried to steal some things. When they said something to her she became Irate. Then she went to pay for items and began screaming at the cashier. Brianna and I are just a bit nosey so we were watching this for about ten minutes. She called the elderly lady behind register an old woman and made all kinds of nasty statements about her. Another lady in the store said that the woman was on a drug and that she normally is very nice. WOW. After that experience we left and met Sandra and her children at Miss Sues music studio. They were practicing for the Christmas Concert in Lexington Park today. We went to St. Mary's Square for what was supposed to be a nice Christmas celebration with music and food and fun but the rain kind of ruined things a bit. They had to set up Miss Sue's string students inside of a pawn shop (which I did not like) but what can you do. It was very small and lots of people were crowded into a very small space. Not fun. Their music was awesome though. The picture I took here was of Mariah and Miss Sue practicing at Bella Music Studio.

While at the concert a company was putting on an identification program for children. They are in cooperation with the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Each of our children were fingerprinted, had a DNA swab done, had photographs taken and did a digital interview recording which we got a copy of on CD. It was really good.

Oh I almost forgot.....Santa showed up on the firetruck and came in the square for a visit. Brianna very reluctantly sat with him and was not very happy about it. They got to go home with little candy sacks and were happy about that.

After the concert we came home to eat and get warm and cozy. We brought Josiah home with us so he wouldn't have to go to walmart with his momma in this weather. Now that we are home it is starting to snow !! Awesome.

After coming home and looking on my facebook account I came across the funniest photo I have seen in a long time. I just had to share it with you.

That is the kind of funny that I keep giggling about even long after I saw it. I didn't actually see this in person I copied it from a friends facebook page.

Well another day is winding away and I haven't really accomplished much so I will bring this to a close and try to get busy doing something. I haven't heard back from my new friend Kathie so I am hoping she is doing alright and will someday reply to my many emails !!

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