Thursday, November 3, 2011

Summer is over

Well as the end of summer came I went into usual. I just love spring and summer so much that I go into denial when it's over. God answered my prayer tho cuz he extended our warm weather long into fall. So now its November 3rd and today I had my windows open. Lovely day.

Life has been busy over the past year. Instead of trying to catch up for the entire year and overwhelm myself I will just pick up from here and move forward.

The kids have graduated in the church classes on wed nights. Bri is now in Stars girls group and Christian moved from Rainbows to the Royal Rangers class. They both are enjoying it. I am still teaching the Rainbows class which is 3-4 year olds. That age group is so cute....I just love it.

My son Kyle and his girlfriend broke up and in the breakup I got custody of a beautiful black lab puppy named Gunner. He is so sweet. I just love him. I did NOT want another dog but this just happened so he is part of the family now.

Over the summer our tractor was at the Amish farm for about 6 weeks getting worked on. The day we brought it home....we also brought home a little tiny kitten that was stray there. They did not want it so Bri quickly got attached to him. His name is Ollie. It took a few weeks for us to figure out whether it was a girl or a boy....but finally we learned HE was going to be Ollie.

This year for homeschooling Brianna is doing 3rd grade work. Christian has started kindergarten. Its fun so far. Both are good students...and its really enjoyable being able to stay home with them and help them grow in their education. Of course my house is always a mess but oh well. There will be plenty of time later in life to keep a clean house.

This year Brianna played soccer again in the spring and in the fall. She has been on the same team for three years now and her coach Dan Seep who is a a fabulous coach.

Christian played his first team sport this past spring....t-ball !! He played in the spring for the Hawks and had a wonderful coach named Nathan Andaya and then he played in the fall for another wonderful coach named Jason Boyce. Both were so much fun !!!

In the late spring we went to our favorite Blueberry farm in Hollywood and picked blueberries. SO much fun. We got a LOT of berries and froze them. The kids and I really love doing this every year. It was SUPER hot....and Christian and I found some rest in a shady spot where we could pick but not be in direct sunlight. Thank God for shade in the summer.

So I will end this post....we are watching a family movie tonight and I am getting the LOOKS from everyone...cuz I am holding them up. Tonights movie ???? Cars 2 !! The kids are super excited. Until I post again......BE BLESSED !!!