Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well it's been a long while since i have been on here. I couldn't figure out my password and was frustrated trying to get a new one cuz my computer got a virus of some sort and was freezing up..... so now my computer is clean again....and I am back in the game. A lot has happened so I will try to give a quick synopsis of my life in the last few weeks.
Both kids got a well needed haircut....by mommy. Brianna didn't pose for the camera that night so only got Christian.... He looks so handsome.

Another really fun thing is that my dryer went out. An almost brand new dryer...a Maytag too... it was continually heating even when turned off. Scary for me since I have lived through a house fire before. No thanks. I unplugged it and have been waiting TWO weeks for the repairman to show up. We have a 4 year warranty on it thank goodness. I just need to put pressure on the people instead of being TOO nice. In the meantime I have had so much fun hanging wet clothes all around the house. NOT. It is aggravating but I have to do something. I couldn't find enough places to hang all of the little kiddie socks...so I rigged up a nice redneck dryer using my pellet stove.

Hey it worked....dont laugh...

This blanket is one I made years ago....a friend of mine got me started on a granny square and I just kept on going. I love the colors in it. I am such a dark blue person although lately I am somehow getting excited about the sage greens....which I never thought I would like...

Here is a granny square that my friend Sara started for me. I still can't START one by myself though....ugh

One of the gifts my mom gave to Brianna this year was a Paula Deen cooking apron. It's really cute. The pockets had some cooking utensils just her size. Too cute. Here is a pic of her posing in it.

While helping my friend Sandra out by taking Mariah to cello lessons, I had the opportunity of talking with her instructor Miss Sue. She offered me free piano lessons for Brianna in leiu of working at her music studio a couple hours two days a week. Just sitting in the shop to keep it open while she goes to a college class. Awesome !! I have been wanting to get lessons for Bri but cannot afford it. So as much as I DO NOT like leaving my home ....and I am not a morning person at all,...I guess this is God saying hey this is your chance...so I may take her up on it.

I did a lot of SITTING in my recliner for about a week cuz I woke up last Sunday with a pounding headache. That's what I thought. By the end of the day it was still pounding and motrin was not helping. I figured out a couple days later it was actually a pinched nerve in my neck. OUCH. It's way better now...Praise the Lord for that.

The weather has been weird...warm day and then back to cold. Getting me excited about spring and then hear we may get snow this weekend.

Church has been awesome. I got to visit the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace and oh my goodness that was a great time. We stayed till midnight and then had a two hour drive home. I would love to go every Friday night but the drive is hard and that's a lot of gas money.

Life is good......God is awesome. Brianna is now 7 and didn't want to have a birthday party ON her actual birthday because big brother Kyle wouldn't be home. So if the snow is not too bad this weekend she will have cake and ice cream on Sat. afternoon. Big brother will be flying in this wed or thurs !!

Well I sure do miss my visits with Kathie the cook and her six children. I need to get over there again soon. This week I shall be cleaning and organizing so maybe next week will work. I really need a day to learn all about...ground beef. It's cheaper than most meat and I have no clue what to do with it other than spaghetti sauce.

I am enjoying a nice quiet evening for once. Everyone went to bed at a decent hour. It's just me and the computer. I think I will do my online reading for the bible in a year and then go to IHOP 24 hour prayer center live and fall asleep listening to them sing.

Enjoy your week and as always ....

Be Blessed !!

1 comment:

  1. MEatloaf... and beef stroganoff... and shepherd's pie casserole... and stuffed peppers... and... oooh, can I help figure out what to do with it? :)
